
Sound and Vibration

Environental Noise And Vibration Services ​

Our services cover all aspects of noise and vibration, testing and support for living area, commercial and industrial sites, roads, railways, airports, ports, construction projects, civil structures and buildings, seismic alert, etc. 
We provide reliable data at first and support for specialized in consulting for all adavanced data analysis requiring specific analysis and skills, noise and vibration modeling, simulation, prediction, surveys, noise studies and assessments.

Environmental Noise Monitoring System ​

SCS-9077 & CityNoise

Represent the next evolution of the EnviNetWork project (upon directions of Environmental Protection Agencies and Universities in Italy North-east) with the goal to develop low-cost and low power Multi-parameter Environmental Monitoring Systems using software released under GNU-GPLv3 license and Creative Commons CC-BY-SA. The main application of the SCS-9077 is to monitor the territory and make all data available to a NetWork (Citynoise TM), either for professional, private or public access to data. Two are the specific and unique features of the system: the proprietary database technology which allows keeping all-way synchronized locally stored data (inside each station) with the central/common data-base within a professional studio, public office or Surveillance town center, and the wireless characteristic of all sensors and data transmission.

CityNoise handles an unlimited ensemble of Noise Monitoring Stations with local data storage, direct access P-P remote or web server, equipped with standard CLasss I (certified) instrumentation Rion, 01dB on request are also available instruments BK, LD, Norsonic, Cesva, others.

Available Options:

  • weather station,
  • traffic counter,
  • video and audio
  • solar panels,
  • Batteries seven days,
  • Power mains 110/220V.

CityNoise system includes both the software and the service of processing and data analysis, reporting, personal web pages, manage real-time surveillance with sending alerts and other information by e-mail or sms.

Optional RION software for Data analysis and reporting as60

Why don’t consider Real Time simulation and Prediction? 

OTL-Terrain and Acoustic-Lib to get your data at work straight forward.

​ ​ ​ Environmental Vibration Monitoring​

Monitoring Unit from 1, 3 or up to 24 channels with mono-or tri-axial transducers for buildings, bridges, tunnels, elevators, cranes, etc..

Include both the software and the service of processing and data analysis, reporting, personal web pages, manage real-time surveillance with sending alerts and other information by e-mail or sms.


Examples of Applications for Noise and Vibration Monitor

Acoustic monitoring in urban contest

Fixed stations distributed in the city or on the mobile unit, connected via GPRS to a central server. Simultaneous measurement of Leq, Lp, Max, Min, spectra 1 / n octave audio channel (otion), video (option), weather station (option), traffic counter (option).
References: National Installations (approx. 500 units) in the areas of Veneto, Lombardia, Liguria, Abruzzo, Lazio and Tuscany, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily, Sardinia, and other regions – Installations International: China, Middle East

Acoustic monitoring for external noise from workshops

Fixed stations distributed around the workshop perimeter and in some sensitive receptors, connected via GPRS or Ethernet cable to your PC fixed (PP). Simultaneous measurement of Leq, Lp, Max, Min, spectra 1 / n octave audio channel (otion), weather station (option).
References: National Installations in the territories: Veneto, Liguria,

Vibration Monitoring for civil works

Fixed stations distributed around the perimeter of work area and in some sensitive receptors, connected via GPRS or Ethernet cable to your PC fixed. The monitoring covers buildings of historical interest, museums, research laboratories, bridges, highways and railways, pre-check-construction of public works. Simultaneous measurement of acceleration and / or speed 3-axis, filtering axes X, Y, Z calculation according to ISO standards and benchmarks. Automatic reporting of alarms via email or SMS overcoming makers and authorities.
Supply of semi-mobile systems in various design studios and advice.

Monitoring and motordromes racetracks, control entertainment (music, discos)

Fixed stations distributed in the neighborhood of the areas of performance and on sensitive receptors, connected via GPRS to a local PC (temporary mode PP) or a central server. Simultaneous measurement of Leq, Lp, Max, Min, spectra 1 / n octave audio channel (otion), weather station (option).
Supply of fixed or semi-mobile systems in several areas of operators for sports and entertainment, and design studies and consulting.

Noise Monitor Service Vibration Monitor Examples