
Sound and Vibration

CityNoise TM: WEB Based Real-Time Monitoring

Citynoise represents a new way to Noise Monitoring in  urban using Internet for almost everything concerned. The web act as a data transmission channel, data storage system, data analysis software, data browser, etc. Citynoise follows you wherever you are in the world without concern about where Monitoring station are located. You can seat in your office in London, or attending a conference in Tokyo, and still you can work on your Noise Monitoring network with SCS NMT stations located in Italy, in Australia, or in China, by using a standard PC, or even using your Smartphone.

You can display data on the web, analyse and report on web pages, change measurement setup or check for calibration, everything from everywhere.

Demo CityNoise 

Main Features:
  • Client  operation with any kind of browser, under any operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix, Windows mobile, Symbian.
  • WEB  data storage and handling, using MySQL.
  • All  data are available in realtime on  protected web page.  A subscription to the service
  • The  system is capable to automatically generate daily reports, as well as texting or mailing at user definable settings.
  • Optional  noise prediction software interface module, for automated dynamic map generation
  • Optional  camera for video surveillance
  • Basic  Noise data: LAeq, Ln, 1/3 octave bands.
  • IEC  Class 1 precision characteristics.
  • Starting system:
  • One  or more SCS9077 monitoring station
  • Internet  connection to browse and download data