Noise Monitoring Systems
Sound and Vibration
Real-Time & Wireless Environmental Monitoring
A New Concept and New Technologies to Measure, Analyse, Storing and Sending of data of Environment Quality in multi-parameters configuration.
Web based configuration and monitoring interface, Abundant on-board storage, Run custom programs on-board for autonomous operation, Wireless sensors, Autopowered, Solid-state elements, Mems, etc.
Customized solution to adapt to any circumstance of monitoring in big and small town, for traffic, city-train, high speed train, harbour, internal living, public place, garden. An integral part in Urban design, Soundscape, City monitoring.
SCS-9077 & CityNoise
Represent the next evolution of the EnviNetWork project (upon directions of Environmental Protection Agencies and Universities in Italy North-east) with the goal to develop low-cost and low power Multi-parameter Environmental Monitoring Systems using software released under GNU-GPLv3 license and Creative Commons CC-BY-SA. The main application of the SCS-9077 is to monitor the territory and make all data available to a NetWork (Citynoise TM), either for professional, private or public access to data. Two are the specific and unique features of the system: the proprietary data-base technology which allows to keep all-way synchronized locally stored data (inside each station) with the central/common data-base within a professonal studio, public office or Surveillance town center, and the wireless characteristic of all sensors and data transmission.
You can choose how to operate the system:
- Local data storage inside SCS9077 and download via LAN, WiFi, FTP
- Private Point-to-point conneciton between NMT station and your PC, featuring Real time data transmission or at pre-defined time interval, or via ftp request
- WEB connection GPRS-UMTS and use of CityNoise cloud
Main applications SCS9077(1)- CityNoise
City monitoring, traffic control, public area protection
Video-audio surveillance
Highway and railways monitoring
Port and Airport monitoring
Eolic farms monitoring
Production site noise monitoring
Working place, infrastructures and building construction area
Recreation area, Touristic and Historical site, Soundscape
EU Directive 49 – information to public
Interface to Predicition Softwares for Noise mapping and Air-Pollution cartographies
Rotating machines surveillance: noise, vibration, etc.
Additional Parameters and more Specific applications:
Noise source location
Noise source recognition
Audio-Video recording
GPS refernce
Building vibration
Meteo data
CO, NOx, SOx
PM 2.5 and PM 10
Traffic counter, vehicle speed and category
Solar radiation
Oxidation-Reduction, pH, Temperature in civil structures
Fuel dilution
Indoor or outdoor parking control
Current and Voltage, electrical consumption
Water, Electricity, Gas counters control
Monitoring of lifting devices (Elevators, cranes)
(1) SCS9077 are supplied with Meteo Stations Davis Vantage-PRO. However, the stations are designed to support SLM and RTA of other trade-marks (01dB, Cesva, Norsonic, B&K, etc.). Not all functions-parameters might be availabe upon the instrument type.
Environmental Noise Monitor(1) and other parameters
SCS9077B: The tiny box controls all of them…
Originally designed for “one (of the) Sound Level Meter” now it controls most of them within a tiny box of about 20x10x10cm, weighting 400 gr, including 24h battery, using WiFi and 3G for talking to the world!
The tiny box SCS9077B is available as a stand-alone device to transform your own SLM (..may be little old) class I or II in an efficient and economic Noise Monitoring Unit usable everywhere with or without outdoor system box, like SCS9077.
Data are taken and stored inside (up to 16GB), transfered via 3G or WiFi, WiMax, Ethernet, in a readable, clear and simple format user defined.