
Sound and Vibration

ANCO Engineers, Inc. delivers innovative test systems and services for strength and vibration testing of materials, equipment, products, and structures. Our systems meet client needs in over 30 countries. Trust ANCO to provide effective vibration test solutions for your unique testing requirements, as we have done since 1971.

Vibration transducers for laboratory, industrial, Human Body, cables, and accessories

Data Translation, founded in 1973 and headquartered in Marlboro, Mass., is a leading designer, manufacturer, and provider of data acquisition solutions for the test and measurement marketplace. With expertise in the design of high-accuracy, high-quality hardware and application software, Data Translation partners with end users and OEMs to achieve their test and measurement goals. The Company offers modules compatible with USB, LXI, PCI, and Ethernet and the supporting application software. Popular applications for the products include sound and vibration, temperature measurement, strain and bridge-based measurement, voltage measurement, and others. With over forty years of experience, customers have come to rely on Data Translation for its world-class software, design proficiency, high-quality manufacturing, and customer service. Data Translation has a worldwide presence, with offices in the US and Europe and distribution in more than 40 countries. 
Data Translation products are still manufactured in the USA.

Simplicity is the cornerstone of Distran’s products. Acoustic cameras are one of the most sophisticated acoustic signal processing device that exists. But we believe it is our duty to keep the things simple. We deliver easy-to-use solutions to our customers so that they can concentrate on their application and not to waste their time on setting dozens of parameters to have meaningful results.
With simplicity comes robustness: our products are designed and produced in Switzerland. We use high-quality material and low tolerance machining to ensure robust products that withstand time and deliver dependable performance.

DJB Instruments is a design and manufacturing company that has been supplying top quality instruments for nearly 40 years in the test and measurement industry. The company’s main focus is to manufacture piezo-electric accelerometers (IEPE and Charge), dynamic pressure transducers and analogue signal processing instrumentation for the testing and measurement of acoustics and vibration for engineers working in the following sectors:
Engineering manufacturing
Energy (including nuclear and geo-thermal)
Aerospace, Aviation, Automotive
DJB Instruments was until 2010 called D J Birchall Ltd. It was established in 1974 by Donald Birchall who designed and developed his unique ideas in the field of accelerometers and vibration measurement.
The company is based in Mildenhall, Suffolk in the UK where it has 18 staff. It also has a Global distribution network and a sales office based in Verdun, France. DJB Instruments provides a full service: consultation, design, manufacturing and supply. We have formed strategic partnerships with businesses to improve Research & Development and produce bespoke products for a number of different industry sectors.
Accelerometers are the most commonly selected transducers to sense vibration motion due to their high accuracy, wideband frequency, dynamic response, small size and weight and ease of installation. Products and services offered by DJB Instruments include:
Charge and Voltage Accelerometers
Industrial Accelerometers
Charge and Voltage Tri-Axial Accelerometers
Micro-Miniature Accelerometers
In-Line Signal Conditioners
Instrumented Impact/Modal Hammers
Hand held calibrators
Analogue Instrumentation
Hand-held Meters
Studs & Magnets
Calibration Services

Expert in sound quality objectivisation, GENESIS offers unique solutions to analyse sound perception.
French leader for audio simulators and 3D sound playback systems, GENESIS has designed and realized all French leading companys’ main high quality sound simulators.
The software LEA, developed by GENESIS, is well-recognized for its innovative functions and its user-friendly interface.

Matelys is an independent research laboratory dedicated to the study of porous materials in acoustics, thermodynamics, mechanics and flow.
We develop software products to predict acoustic, elastic or thermodynamic properties of porous materials or multi-layered structures including such materials. We also carry out more specific developments such as acquisition interfaces for measurement setups.
AlphaCell is a software based on the Tranfer Matrix Method (TMM/FTMM) which predicts the sound absorption or sound transmission performances of material layers (online demo version).
ScalingCell links the 2D or 3D micro-morphology of a porous material to its vibro-acoustic properties such as sound absorption or sound transmission loss.
RoKCell is a characterisation assistant used to determine the visco-inertial and thermal dissipation parameters inside a porous material.

OMS Optical Measurement Systems
Optical Measurement Systems (OMS) Corporation is a spin-off company of MetroLaser’s laser vibrometer business. Effective February 2014, OMS Corporation will be responsible for the sales, service and support of all MetroLaser vibrometer products. 
“The purpose of the spin-off is to build a company with a dedicated focus on the growth and development of the core vibrometer technology,” said OMS President Amit Lal. “With an emphasis on product development, customer service, and distribution of outstanding vibrometer products, OMS Corporation will build on MetroLaser’s twenty-five years of technical excellence to provide innovative and reliable measurement solutions for our clients.”

MetroLaser, Inc. is a major developer and provider of laser Doppler vibrometers, including single point, multi-beam, scanning, and long-range systems. These systems are currently being successfully used in a variety of applications in over 15 countries.
MetroLaser, founded by Cecil Hess and Jim Trolinger in 1988, has been awarded the National Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year award and has been recognized for its laser-based measurement and diagnostic technologies for industrial, military, and space applications. Since its inception, MetroLaser has formed teaming agreements with over 20 universities as well as many industrial partners. This university/industry collaboration has provided MetroLaser with a wealth of new ideas, technical talent, advanced laboratory capabilities, and access to existing technologies, resulting in solutions to a wide range of problems and the development of new products.
MetroLaser has a worldwide reputation for innovation and problem solving and it is routinely contracted by major U.S., European, and Asian companies to provide measurement services for aerospace, automobile, electronics, aerodynamic, and propulsion applications. To date MetroLaser has been granted 14 patents in advanced lasers and optical diagnostics

P.E. Mediterranean Acoustics Research & Development Ltd (PEMARD for short) is an R&D company which was set up to research and develop several software applications in the various fields of Acoustics. 
Acoustics software applications are used by acoustic engineers for designing optimal solutions for outdoor situations, room acoustics, building acoustics and noise control. PEMARD develops unique methodologies and techniques to assist the scientific community in dealing with acoustical problems, from the simplest to the most sophisticated.
PEMARD based the development of acoustics software applications on the 30 years of experience in the field of Acoustics, inherited by the founders of Panacoustics Ltd. Being consultants, the founders of Panacoustics Ltd, an acoustics consultancy firm, set up PEMARD in order to develop acoustics software from an engineer’s perspective.
Olive Tree Lab -Terrain, our outdoor sound propagation software will be followed by other major products to form the Olive Tree Lab Software Suite

Developers of Spectra-Plus, Pioneer Hill Software has been in business continuously since 1993 and is located in the Pacific Northwest. We specialize in digital signal processing and software development. We also offer product customization and application development. Please contact us if we can assist you in any way.

Race Technology is a Nottingham (UK) based company, developing high technology automotive electronic solutions. In particular, we are leaders in the field of GPS data loggers, CAN communications, instrumentation, and data acquisition for auto sport and industrial applications. We supply systems throughout the world for applications as diverse as accident reconstruction to drag racing, F1 boats to delivery vans. 
As well as having our own range of highly successful products, we also do custom work for many clients and a wide range of applications – If you have an automotive electronics project, then we can help.

Rion was founded in 1944, with the aim of developing commercial products based on research carried out at the Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research. This public-service institute is dedicated to the study of physics and acoustics. Rion’s products are in four main categories: “Hearing Instruments” dealing with hearing aids and equipment,
“Medical Equipment” for otorhinolaryngology, dermatology, and ophthalmology,
“Sound and Vibration Measuring instruments” sound and vibration level meters, seismometers and related devices,
“Particle Counters”, for measurement of airborne and liquid-borne particles.

The history of SIDLAB goes back to the late 80:s when a code called SID (Sound In Ducts) for 1D linear acoustic modelling of cascade coupled duct networks was developed by Ragnar Glav at KTH. The code written in FORTRAN was based on so called two-port (four-pole) models and the work was supported by the Swedish industry, in particular Atlas Copco and Saab.
In the 90:s the code was revised to enable analysis of more general networks still using the transfer matrix formulation though. In addition a graphical user interface was developed using Visual Basic resulting in SID2.
In 1996, Mats Åbom and Ragnar Glav published a general formalism for the analysis of acoustic two-port networks where the elements can be connected in an arbitrary way. This was implemented by Stefan Nygård along with an update of the Visual Basic user interface.
In 1999, Nygård, in collaboration with Åbom and Glav, further developed SID 2 to allow for one- or two-port sources anywhere in a network. This allowed the possibility of defining several inlet and outlet systems and multi-source networks. This work, partly financed by the EC-project FLODAC, resulted in the code SID 3.
In 2005, a new significant step was taken when SIDLAB 1 was created based on a co-operation with the exhaust system manufacturer Swenox. SIDLAB 1 or SIDLAB Acoustics is SID3 converted into MATLAB, a work done by Tamer Elnady supported by Åbom. The use of MATLAB gives the possibility for the user to have access to the source code so that advanced users can make their own modifications and easier perform pre- and post-processing. The possibility to create links to MATLAB modules, such as acoustic FEM, to generate new elements models is also important. Another important improvement was the creation of a new drag and drop graphical interface for easier construction of networks. In SIDLAB 1 also new elements models developed within the EC-project ARTEMIS were included, e.g., models for diesel particulate filters (DPF:s). Furthermore the most recent models for the impedance of perforated plates were implemented based on Elnady´s doctoral thesis.
In early 2008, SIDLAB 2 is released where new products have been added on the measurement side: SIDLAB Measurement and SIDLAB Acquisition. SIDLAB Measurement and Acquisition are based on the extensive experience within the group concerning the experimental determination of two-port data. SIDLAB Flow has been introduced as an add-on to SIDLAB Simulation, which enables the analysis of the flow distribution and pressure drop across the network. SIDLAB Flow is also based on two-port formalism through an analogy between the acoustic and the flow variables and assumes an incompressible mean flow. In practice this means that analysis is restricted to duct networks where the Mach-number is less than 0.3-

We are committed to continue our development of SIDLAB based on the research projects we are involved in and to make sure that the code always is based on the best available published models. Our vision is that SIDLAB should be the best and most complete software for linear acoustic problems in flow duct networks.

Softech is the developer of software SARA for airport Noise Monitoring. It is a company founded in 1991 with the aim to merge in a flexible and dynamic structure of the extensive experiences gained in the design and construction of computer systems dedicated to the automation of industrial and civil plants. 
Its constitution led to the creation of a highly qualified technical staff who bases all his work on the foundations that have always found readily observed in the normal course of business of its members. 
Starting from these elements, the skilled experiences both in the design and in the realization of automated systems, combined with the flexible corporate structure, have guarantee Softech as a dynamic and reliable partner, able to support the activities of its customers with simple solutions, technologically advanced and highly reliable.

Tenlee Group Piezotronics Inc is a supplier of transducers, signal conditioners, shakers, amplifiers, data acquisition systems and analytical software, all at highly competitive prices.

The most compact, economical and easy to use high-resolution acoustic camera available in the market